Sunday, November 22, 2009

Moto Droid Adverts

What's the deal with the Motorola Droid's marketing? The last time I checked, no one wanted HAL 9000 in their pocket. I can imagine its users saying, "Voice command: call home." Only to be answered by Droid's omnipotent monotone, "I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that." Whoever hired Arthur C. Clarke to be the marketing director for this project must have had their cognitive circuits disconnected.

Even the sounds it makes are a bit unsettling. Get a text? You'll hear a low robotic voice say, "Droid." Well crap, someone was texting you, Dave, but I guess Droid was hungry.

Now I know that Android 2.0 is great, and that this phone is really great -- Really -- but I just can't get the bad taste out of my mouth that some Verizon exec baked into this campaign. If you see a capsule drop out of the sky, land in a field, and start moving its sinister-looking mechanical aperture, make sure you run like hell -- I mean wait around for it to dispense great smartphones.

If you want someone to be scared of something, make it scary. If you want someone to love your product and carry it with them everywhere, I would plan on making it as kindhearted as possible; just short of painting rainbows on the case.

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