Monday, November 23, 2009

Impact of Design: Berners-Lee Apologizes for Design Excess

Tim Berners-Lee, god to any geek -- and more and more to anyone, has recently admitted that when designing the World Wide Web he went a bit slash crazy. He says that the two forward slashes following "http:" in every web address are "unnecessary."

There you go, it seemed like a good idea at the time.
I'm glad to see that even the greats of our time can admit when they have over-designed something and created a huge time suck for everyone who uses it. Think about it. How many more seconds would the world have if everyone didn't spend the early days of the web fingering in those two extra characters. Then there's the impact that extra printing all those URLs made to be considered too. Tim, you have brought me the gift of information so I will always forgive thee, but thanks for fessing up anyway. I only hope that I can be so humble in my future career.


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