Monday, November 16, 2009

Media Blacklist Edition 2: Alexandra Smith - Cycle Path Scandalmonger

Another edition of "Media Blacklist" is here already, and will continue the established theme: bicyclists' rights.

This time I find myself gawking as Alexandra Smith of The Sydney Morning Herald perpetuates my previously found false myth, stating that cyclist are freeloading off of non-cycling citizens' tax dollars.

I'll leave you to read all the facts and figures in her article for yourself, but the brunt of the matter is that governments are really trying to be more environmentally responsible in their transportation infrastructure development decisions. Now, keeping in mind that sooner than later cars won't really be an environmental problem, as hydrogen cars come to prevalence, it is still important to provide ways for communities to exercise while commuting, during time that would otherwise be wasted.

Back to the meat of the issue, I might be comparing apples to oranges, but if Australia's local street budget is anything like ours here in the states, then the 70 million being spent in Sydney is small potatoes considering the billions spent on local street infrastructure annually. I think it's high time that the cyclists of the world are rewarded some back taxes for subsidizing auto traffic for so long through paying the same taxes motorists do that pay for 88.6% of local streets that is accounted by 2004 this study.

One loose end, her argument that these new lanes are taking up vital space is a valid one, in my opinion. I really don't understand the need for cycle lanes in speed zones under 40 mph -- I honestly regret the installment of bike lanes on some of my regular routes. I really will get around to explaining that soon. In any event, the bottom line is the dollar sign and there is almost always more space to be had.

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