Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Gadget Junk Proliferation

I have been prompted to write about an arbitrary topic, digital penguins; a strange request. I immediately thought of Linux, due to their cuddly mascot, but instead I stumbled upon this abomination. For the not so low price of $24.99 and $6.95 for shipping. What now, grandma? You're $31.94 short and, while you may have checked a gift of your holiday shopping list, you have just contributed to a pressing phenomenon: e-waste.

E-waste is an issue so out of hand, there are entire communities that revolve around stripping valuable materials from gadgets that we will, almost certainly, through away. The health and pollution problems in these communities is in some ways shocking, but in other ways exactly what you may expect when you think about the toxins, such as mercury, that are present in lots of the computer scrap we discard. So please avoid buying novelty electronics you don't need, and won't use. Always make sure to properly recycle your waste to avoid polluting the earth and the lives of others in developing nations.

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