Monday, November 23, 2009

Unify iPhone Game

Unify Preview from zach gage on Vimeo.

Tired of conventional block-dropping games like Tetris, where blocks only come in from one side? I bring you unify. Instead of blocks only dropping in from the top and falling to the bottom, blocks come in from both sides and fall towards the middle. You use two fingers simultaneously to swipe pieces into position, and tap to rotate. If you want to speed things up a bit, just swipe the piece towards the center yourself.

The object is to keep the play area from getting totally blocked by grouping four or more blocks of the same color to make them disappear -- just like many block puzzlers. You can also earn combos by starting a chain of block groupings starting after you remove one group of blocks, and continued as the remaining blocks sift towards the middle. The most important difference remains the convergence of two opposing block streams that meet in the middle. It takes the challenge up quite a few notches, and looks like a lot of fun.

A seemingly simple design change has a really huge impact on the overall experience of this game. It just goes to show how crucial those initial brainstorming sessions are, and encourages me to think about aspects of interaction I may not have before.

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