Sunday, November 22, 2009

More on Bad Droid Marketing

I know I just got through making fun of Verizon's counter intuitive ad campaign for the new Motorola Droid, but their material seems to get worse and worse. This time, Verizon is taking direct aim at the iPhone by spoofing one of Apple's TV spots. Their commercial is called "iDon't, Droid Does," and it's a list of things the iPhone doesn't do, that android does. Great.

Anyway, the several people have already beat me to the punch and parodied that parody. Here is the best one of the bunch:

iDon't Care

That pretty much sums up everything I don't like about this style of marketing.

So far Verizon thinks they can threaten me into buying a HAL 9000 Droid, or that they can bash competitors, leaving themselves champion. I have news Verizon, we're smarter than that. I love the Droid, but why would I want one now? When you design an interaction between a company and a potential consumer base, don't make the cornerstone of the relationship negative jabs at the other guy. Make it positive. Goodwill goes a long way.

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